Okay, this works.
A Google Image Search
Terry Sawatzky
will find the
Red Border Meta Nav
Which link back to
3D Thinking.
Nothing for it now but to create the images
and set up the links.
{I recently turned 60.}
And, but, also-
I have finally settled on this Meta-Navigation technique as
my way
of interfacing with the internet.
As an Artist I have built various web site/systems
in the past
{Geocities, Flash, ...}
only to find them disappear soon thereafter.
So as long as Blogger holds up...
and, I suppose,
Google Image Search,
I will have a Meta-Website
that uses this Blog as the navigation system/springboard
to wherever I have stuff.
And, also, but-
Perhaps linking to other
People, Stuff, Art, Etc.
Parting shot:
Time and the choices we make.