Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Video Recommendations

I am linking here to a variety of
that I believe are helpful in building skills
for working directly with materials.
Specifically Sculpture.
I'll make every attempt to explain the reasoning behind
each Recommendation.
(Although I am presently employed as a
Sculpture Instructional Associate at KPU
these recommendations are personal and do not necessarily reflect
KPU curriculum)
 This is actually a Youtube  Channel , not just a single video. The ones I have seen feature a man's video diary of life on a homestead. Working with basic hand tools- even Medieval Tools- he cuts rock, makes axe handles with an axe, carves his own anvil base, makes a foundation for a shed... Stuff like that. Usually no voice over, just the meditative sound of axe and hammer blows. I could watch this all evening. There is a Q&A session that gives a decent amount of background information on how this channel emerged.

Rex Krueger-
  Another Youtube Channel, it's hard to go wrong with this guy's "build anything with simple basic tools" attitude! Again I haven't watched them all, however I have watched a good number of them, and unlike many videos I watch them all the way through because I'm learning something about working with wood. (My main formal education has been in Welding, Art, and Digital Multimedia.)
The Woodworking for Humans Series is a great place to start. Rex shows you how to build a bench, a mallet and many other useful basic tools. He tells you what you need to do basic woodworking, how to get started and how to find good deals on inexpensive tools and materials. As he builds he gives lots of tips about finding reasonably priced, decent materials, lining up wood, measuring, marking, etc. AND he has free plans you can have dropped in your inbox!
                                 (the new location for this information is at Google sites' Sculpture Resources.) 


Artsy She-Hulk said...

Hey Terry! (Jenn here). Nice links! Yeah, i'm gonna share these links with a friend of mine who wants to build a wooden base/glass table! :)

Terry Sawatzky said...

Thanks, Jenn! Stand by for more content, I'm on a Roll now!