Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Monday, November 24, 2008

Terry Sawatzky

This self titled blogspot does
connect to me, 
Terry Sawatzky, 
the guy in the picture, 
the guy who builds sculpture. 
And works full time at Kwantlen Polytechnic University. 
As a Sculpture Technician.
And occasionally at Emily Carr University of Art and Design.
In the Metal Shop or Industrial Design.
And occasionally at the University of British Columbia.
Robson Square Media.
So this does seem like a good spot to put further news and links.
I probably will.
We'll see how long the edits take to show up.
I'm still at KPU
but now I'm called an
Instructional Associate.
My most recent notion
on the thread of
Web Presence
Red Border Meta Nav.
(originaly tested as)
MetaNav rabbithole

Friday, November 7, 2008

Last Summer's Beetle

Did I mention the state of my desktop?
Follow this blog for long and you'll
surely notice the repeated motifz!

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Mars Monkeys - On The Porch

During the Parade of Lost Souls
Vic and I
entertained the passing crowd
with our own individual flavour
of noise.
Available soon as a Limited Edition
Multimedia Email Release.
(Get on the Free List Now!!)

Friday, October 17, 2008

more levels...

...in the self referential slide.

Thursday, October 16, 2008


I still like the old school, post-modern self-referential stuff.
"Look, Look, it's a photo-Chopped Jay-Peg!!"
I'm going to have to start adding in fake pallets next.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

flat four

1966 VW
the car I drove in the '80's

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

I Don't Know Which Way to Look

At least three grooves to follow.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Nope, me neither

Didja ever just feel like two ogres in a swirling mass?

go here now


It's the latest thing,
probably not even started yet!

And don't forget:


Friday, October 3, 2008


I'm kinda liking
the crude,
loose flesh
masklike quality
of life.

Bold New Superhero of the current economic slump

Frank Zappa lyrics, of course.
They continue to fit so well.
And Dweezil does his dad so well.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

space; time; soul

space is infinite
time is an illusion
there is only one soul
(everyone{and everything} is sharing)

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Football without a helmet

Whatever made me think that was a good idea?

Still Transitioning

The analogue to digital and back to analogue conundrum.
Beating on my conunDrum.
Is it a website or a sound sculpture?
Do I revert to digital everytime I run out of Physical Space
for analogue pursuits?

Saturday, September 27, 2008

I Don't Know, Officer...

...they all look the same to me.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Getting Primitive

The more subtle the changes
the more insidious the effect.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

being stretched

Being stretched these days
more ways
than I care to name

Thursday, September 18, 2008

self portrait with car

Distorting jpegs has little to do with traditional photography. I used to go out hunting with my slr. Hunting for things worthy of my camera. Now I can instantly create numerous cheap images that are just pixels waiting to be pushed around like so much paint.

Back In The Day

Retro visitation of "RattleTrap", "TripHammer","KeyBorg1",and,"Battle Horn of the Republic/Moose Call". 1981-84 My Emily Carr Student Daze.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

What? A day?

This is so recursively self referential!
A self portrait photochopped (yes, chopped)to include a poster for a sculpture of mine,
uploaded to
then sceengrabbed and reuploaded to
my blog.
And now I'm writing about it.
Hey, when I get some time for my brain,
I will add a flash adventure game to my site.
I'm tempted to make it a real old school text only
thing with linx.
I like the old/new blend.
Hotrod ..?

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Flash Test

This is a test of publishing Flash as a Gif.
My formating is not what I expected. This is a voyage of discovery. Does this work? http://ca.geocities.com/tmsawatzky/
{click grey square to see motion}

my eye

I don't know what to write today. Entry #3, the visuals are easy, I guess that's why I build sculpture ... 3d communication just makes sense to me. Words are more difficult.

Monday, September 15, 2008


A motor inside a VW turns wafer switches which have been soldered into the circuitboard where the computer keyboard once resided.
It aids in the process of getting the basic program booted via a librarian plugging in the lights of the cabinet in which the sideways Mac Classic was for a month.
The images on the vertical screen were mixed with basic graphics. System 7 ... 1990's. And equally aged Chipmunk Basic Program.
I had to buy a USB floppy drive to load stuff from my MacBook Pro.

Crazy Start

How is sound sculpting different from making music?
I move sounds as well as creating sound patterns.
Coming from an Art perspective ... filtred through Multimedia.
Writing is the hard part, this is the beginning.